Loss is the common thread that connects each and every one of us.
The only certainties one will experience in their life journey is that of grief and loss; yet, following such losses, we are never prepared for the emotions that incur, nor do we learn the tools we need to process and navigate our grief.
Some losses can go unattended for years, accumulating becoming unresolved with each passing hour. Our unresolved grief exists by the belief that time will heal all wounds. The sad truth is that time in and of itself does not heal, but what you DO with your time does.
The Grief Recovery Method® has been developed and refined over the past 40 years. It is a powerful, dynamic, and accessible program for anyone willing to take the necessary actions to help themselves recover and transform from grief and loss.
With gentle guidance, you will be supported in taking the small and intentional actions to heal from the pain of loss while helping you move forward within and beyond your grief so you can create and enjoy a fulfilling life of gratitude and joy.
Meet Zena
So, who am I? I’m a fellow griever who has walked the path of sorrow and heartache. A grief companion that has cried myself to sleep, lived my days in a fog, experienced anxiety of walking into a grocery store, forgot to eat, and bathe. I existed. Existed in a pool of my profound grief.
Yes – Grief Sucks! It consumes your every waking hour. At times you feel as though you are drowning. The waves of grief pull you into deeper waters and as you rise to the surface and catch your breath you are hit yet again with a wave of the painful reality that your life has been forever changed by losing a loved one. You hold onto your life preserver white knuckling through the days, weeks and months with a brave smile and broken heart.
BUT with courage a day comes where you take ownership of your emotional pain which is the key to growth and transformation. And with this growth you realize there is beauty in a world that can have pain.
Today is your day.
If you are reading this with a heavy heart from suffering a monumental loss, my heart is with you and you have my deepest sympathy. You also have my admiration. It takes courage to make the first step towards your healing, and for that brave first step, “Welcome”
It is my privilege to walk with you on your healing journey.
Lets chat.